Quantum electron spin vorticity theory has firstly been formulated.
Selected Publications:
“General relativistic symmetry of electron spin torque,” A. Tachibana, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 50, 669-688 (2012).
“Electronic Stress with Spin Vorticity,” A. Tachibana,
In Concepts and Methods in Modern Theoretical Chemistry: Electronic Structure and Reactivity (Atoms, Molecules, and Clusters): CRC Press, Chap. 12, pp. 235-251 (2013).
“Stress Tensor of Electron as Energy Density with Spin Vorticity,”
A. Tachibana, J. Comput. Chem. Jpn., 13, 18-31 (2014).
“Electronic stress tensor of chemical bond,”A. Tachibana, Indian Journal o
f Chemistry A, Vol. 53A, Aug-Sept 2014, pp. 1031-1035.
“General relativistic symmetry of electron spin vorticity,”
A. Tachibana, J. Math. Chem.
“Quantum electron spin vorticity theory with b-photon, f-electron, fc-positron algebras,” A. Tachibana, Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science (2015, Tokyo), Abstract 2E01, Thursday (Sep. 17), Oral sessions, Venue E [Theory/Calculation] Morning, https://bunken.org/msf/page/2015/present_2_en.html#Ea